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Wind & Weather Meter

4.2 ( 2112 ratings )
Погода Утіліти
Розробник: WeatherFlow

The Wind & Weather Meter app works with the WeatherFlow WINDmeter and the WeatherFlow WEATHERmeter -- available for purchase at retailers online and offline.

When paired with a WeatherFlow meter, this free app allows you to take & share weather reports from your exact location. Capture highly accurate weather data, including wind speed (average, gust and lull), wind direction, air temperature, humidity and pressure. The app also give you values such as wind chill, heat index, apparent wind, crosswind, tailwind, dew point, air density and more. Add a description and instantly share your report via Twitter, Facebook, SMS, email and more. Weather reports captured from this app can be posted instantly to popular online weather services including iKitesurf, iWindsurf, SailFlow, WindAlert, and FishWeather.